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English Classes

Preparation for Cambridge Exams

Language Courses



Cambridge English certifications are a reference of excellence and are credited worldwide by several organizations.

Each exam focuses on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level. The exams respect a gradual learning plan and include an oral, written and reading assessment, both from the perspective of communication and interpretation.

Regardless of the goals set, a preparation course allows to enhance the success of this complex and demanding assessment.

Our work aims to teach English and, in parallel, provide students with a better familiarity with the structure of the exams. We provide tools for gradual language development with a focus on its applicability in the real world.

It will be a joint effort for your individual success.

High level of success in Cambridge exams.

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With globalization, investing in foreign languages will prove to be an advantage in the academic, professional world and, not less important, is in the search for personal achievements, namely the exploration of different cultures in a touristic perspective.

Increasing language skills to improve spreading and integrate as citizens of the world, without limits or borders.

Developing these skills will be the beginning of an expansion of solid objectives, the first phase of any successful plan.








Learning English from a young age is the key!

Children aged 3-10
Aware that in the first years of life the information intake in children is increased, exposing them into a new language, proves to be a natural process.

At Royal College, we give them the bases to better develop their multilingual skills and multicultural knowledge.
Our classes are adapted to ages and levels of aptitude, having as common point a varied range of teaching tools, a cohesive pedagogical method and a particularly fun and familiar environment.

At these ages the most important thing is to arouse curiosity, encourage exploration and likewise embrace learning English.

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The Royal College offers young people the possibility to learn a new language or to cement the knowledge already acquired, enhancing the content learned in the curricular context.

Accompanying studies and providing socialization tools in another language proves to be a powerful strategy as an investment in the academic and / or professional future.

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Our experience allows us to know that students in adulthood look for us with very specific objectives and face learning with the rigour and demands that stimulates us on a daily basis.
Whether personal or professional reasons, it is crucial to adapt our teaching methodology and intensity to the needs of the student.
The classes are reduced so that we can fulfil what we are personally committed to. We welcome your goals as our own.

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With globalization, the importance of building bridges through language is undeniable. The success of many businesses would be impossible if communication didn’t exist. Our job is to treat foreign languages with the comfort and eloquence as we do with the mother tongue. Mastering international contacts will translate into maximizing the already established businesses and inflation of the customer network.
Dominar os contactos internacionais traduzir-se-á numa maximização dos negócios já estabelecidos e inflação da rede de clientes.

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For us, it is important to shape learning and
impose our own pace.
At Royal College, sharing the intended objective is important from the first contact.

With our vast experience, we recognize the importance of the intensity of the studies as well as a plan according to the goals and needs of each student.

Thus, individual classes appear as an excellent option to consider for more effective and rewarding results.


Royal College promotes the deepening of the linguistic and intercultural skills of our students in the most varied aspects.

Gaining confidence in a speech with a vast vocabulary and with interpretative speed is one of the scenarios that we seek with conversation classes

We encourage our students to welcome the new language with the naturalness and fluidity with which they present themselves with the mother tongue.

The classes are full of interaction in which communication between the participants takes place in a relaxed way without neglecting the rigour and demands that characterize our school so well.


Adapted to the current reality, more than ever we must bet on remote learning

As such, we offer an innovative and beneficial way of managing your time with the possibility of online classes. This teaching allows your evolution and learning to continue, regardless of your place of study.

The source of information will always reach to you.

It is a method that has grown exponentially in the market, fortunately together with the good results achieved by our students.


We provide students with the tools so that they can shine autonomously in the most varied areas of business.

In the business world, interviews, meetings, presentations, electronic correspondence, contract reviews, order forms, are just some of the many moments that increasingly lead to the mastery of foreign languages.

Competently and actively mastering these tests of everyday professional life is the objective of this teaching modality.

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Junta-te a nós

Acesso exclusivo para futuros alunos Royal College

Margarida Cunha

Eu chamo-me Margarida, tenho 12 anos e frequento a Escola de Línguas Royal College desde os 6 anos. Entrei no “Junior 1” e neste momento estou no “Teens 3”, e o meu objetivo é fazer todos os níveis de Inglês até aos exames internacionais (FCE, CAE e CPE).

Eu adoro andar nesta escola, porque estou a aprender muito sobre a língua Inglesa. Nas aulas só falamos Inglês e isso é essencial para uma boa aprendizagem. Fazemos muitos amigos e as Professoras Gaby e Patrícia são fantásticas e muito profissionais, pois incentivam-nos a fazer mais e melhor.


Mafalda Alves

Estudar no Royal College foi a melhor decisão que os meus pais, na altura, tomaram. No meu caso, acompanho o trabalho da Prof. Patricia e da Prof. Gaby desde que tinha 7 anos e posso dizer com certeza que são profissionais excecionais. Para além da aprendizagem irrepreensível e de qualidade, ajudaram-me a crescer enquanto pessoa porque sempre mostraram o seu lado humano enquanto ensinavam, característica rara no ensino em Portugal, mas que, na minha opinião, faz toda a diferença. Ao marcarem a diferença, distinguem-se de todas as outras escolas de ensino de línguas ao, e volto a dizer, acompanharem os alunos de perto e de forma personalizada. Se cheguei aqui, no meu percurso académico, deve-se a estas professoras. 

Gabriela Teixeira

Frequentar o Royal é estar dentro de algo que nos conduz a uma imensidão de conhecimentos que vão muito além da aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Guiados pelas teachers, percorremos os caminhos do conhecimento global. A partilha de momentos vividos pelos colegas são uma mais valia no que concerne ao alargar dos nossos horizontes. Royal é sinônimo de conhecimento, cumplicidade e diversão. Obrigada família Royal.

Jéssica M.

Quando cheguei ao Royal College não sabia absolutamente nada de inglês. Lembro-me que tinha memorizado duas frases em inglês caso alguém me perguntasse algo, e estas eram: “I don’t speak english”, e “I don’t understand”.
Como é natural, sabendo apenas isso, comecei pelo nível 1. Melhorei bastante, estou agora no meu último ano, o FCE. O ano mais desejado por mim! O progresso que eu fiz é notável, consigo perceber quando outras pessoas falam para mim sem ser na minha língua nativa, a ver séries/filmes é muito mais interessante, ouvir músicas, etc.
Aprender outras línguas abre novas oportunidades para o nosso futuro, e também vamo-nos sentir realizados a nível pessoal.